Fisheries, Forestry and Natural Resources Management and Development


Myanmar’s Department of Fisheries Sustainable Coastal Fisheries (SCF)

Provision of services of a senior international consultant (G. Hosch) to Myanmar’s Department of Fisheries Sustainable Coastal Fisheries (SCF) project, supported by the Government of Denmark through its Myanmar Country Programme, Development Engagement 2016-2020. Overall objective was to advise on the integration of community-based fisheries co-management committees into the overall MCS structure and operations; deliverables included:

  • Design an overall architecture of the MCS unit within DoF;

  • Review the NPOA-IUU and define an Action Plan by prioritizing realistic and feasible activities for implementation – considering marine fisheries management priorities, factors that will encourage compliance, effectiveness and efficiency;

  • Explore how organized coastal fisheries communities, e.g. through their fisheries co-management committees, participate in and support inshore fisheries MCS operations – including fish catch documentation, setting up and monitoring of conservation zones, etc.;

  • Devise institutional mechanisms and plans for operating inshore surveillance boats in support of the development of community-based fisheries co-management committees in SCF pilot communities;

  • Design protocols for effective MCS cooperation and collaboration with and among relevant “forces” for further consultation and testing in SCF program areas.

The assignment included two field missions during the first semester of 2018 and was extended further to allow for the home based drafting of several ordinances and protocols. Reference can be provided upon request.


RCAF Project for Pacific Island Countries

Consultancy services by Regional Solutions Co. Ltd. Managing Director U.W. Schmidt as individual consultant feasibility study on fisheries and climate change, establishment of a Regional Climate Adaptation Facility (RCAF), for Pacific Island Countries commissioned and financed by Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW)


Support of Sustainable Fisheries in Myanmar

Consultancy services by Regional Solutions Co. Ltd. Managing Director U.W. Schmidt scoping, preparing and formulating of a DANIDA financed 5 year project “Support of Sustainable Fisheries in Myanmar” focusing with focus on marine and coastal fisheries management and value chain development, co-management and monitoring, control and surveillance.


Development of Strategies for Fisheries and Aquaculture Management

Advisory services and support to regional and national fisheries organisations and agencies to develop strategies for fisheries and aquaculture management and development provided by Regional Solutions Co. Ltd. Managing Director U.W. Schmidt as individual consultant. Countries and Regions covered included the Lower Mekong Region, for the Mekong River Commission, countries of the Horn of Africa including Uganda and Kenya, for the Intergovernmental Authority for Development, Togo, Pakistan, Somaliland, Timor Leste and Cambodia, for sector line agencies and non state actors. For copyright and IP reasons only references and summaries are given here.