Climate-Change Adaptation and Resilience Building, Risks Management and Disaster Response


Humanitarian Mission in Saint Marteen

As livelihoods specialist to design the post IRMA hurricane category 5 for UNDP.


Supporting the Safeguarding, Management and Valorisation of Mrauk U World Heritage Site

Strengthen Rakhine State local capacity to preserve cultural heritage; enable relevant local authorities to sustainably manage Mrauk-U landscape and hydrology. Engagement local communities and authority in landscape co-exploration, to improve water management, identify flood-prevention strategies and contribute to safety, resilience and people well-being.


Emergency Response and Rehabilitation of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors Affected by the 2004 Tsunami (Sumatra, Indonesia)

As advisor to the Government of Indonesia and as Chief Technical Officer for the Food and Agriculture U.W. Schmidt, presently Managing Director of Regional Solutions Co. Ltd., lead the first FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO/UN) tsunami fisheries response team and coordinated other donor efforts toward the emergency response and rehabilitation of fisheries and aquaculture sectors affected by the 2004 tsunami in Sumatra, Indonesia Regional Solutions Co. Ltd.) from January to June 2005. Efforts included a first comprehensive loss and damage assessment and a needs assessment/identification of rehabilitation efforts of coastal fisheries and brackish water pond culture with an interdisciplinary team of Indonesian and international subject matter specialist.