Project Management and Support


Practical Guideline On Resource Mobilisation

Civil Society Organisation And Network.


Project Identification and Formulation

Regional Solutions Co. Ltd. senior management and associates have carried out project identification and formulation. A recent example is the scoping and formulation missions summarised above under “Fisheries, forestry and natural resources management and development”.


Surveys and Appraisals

Regional Solutions Co. Ltd. senior management and associates have been involved in surveys and appraisals including rapid rural and participatory appraisal in the Region and beyond. Examples include  a survey “to evaluate the effect of domestic biodigester installations, as perceived by a representative number of households in four provinces of Cambodia with respect to the Programme’s activities such as promotion, construction, quality assurance, training and after-sales service” commissioned by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), to adjust the implementation of a National Biodigester Programme (NBP). Present Managing Director U.W. Schmidt lead a survey team, designing survey methodology, supervising field testing and training of enumerators and writing the final report. Processing was done at home office using SPSS software, with a high share of multiple choice and ranking questions allowing for a very high number of computable variables which were the base for further development of the National Biodigester Programme.



Regional Solutions Co. Ltd. Managing Director U.W. Schmidt has carried out more than 40 evaluations (programmes and projects, thematic, ex ante and ex post) over the last four decades worldwide. Recent examples include ex post evaluations of the South East Asian Fisheries Development Centre (SEAFDEC) /Government of Sweden (2013-2019), where U.W. Schmidt served as a member of the team carrying out field assessment and facilitating stakeholder consultations in Cambodia as well as preparating for and participation in a de-briefing meeting at the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok, and of a EU financed project “Strengthening Capacity of Fisher’ Network and NGO Coalition towards Fisheries Resources Sustainability and Ownership in the Mekong and Tonle Sap Regions 2016-2018” where U.W. Schmidt lead a team of consultants, designed methodology/interview structures, processed data and composed the final report.


Africa-Belgium Business Week

RS invited delegate for following objectives: facilitating projects, fact finding, lobbying.